Port Information
Feature image

Port Location
Latitude                    : 29 Deg 21.30 N
Longitude                : 47 Deg 55.54 E
Admiralty Chart       : 1214
Admiralty Pilot         : 63
Time Zone               : GMT + (Plus) 3 Hrs
Port security Level : 1 (One)


Shuwaik Sea Port

Shuwaikh port is the main commercial port in the State of Kuwait. It is located to the immediate North and East of Kuwait City. Shuwaikh navigation channel is about 8 Kms long.The port has 21 berths including 2 container berths.
Vessels sailing to and from the port pass through a Navigation Channel dredged inside Kuwait Bay. The channel is about eight kms long and its depth is maintained at 8.5 M at minimum water tide level. The port can receive vessels of 7.5 M draft at Zero tide and vessels of upto 9.5 M draft at High tide.

Fortune Kuwait.